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1、如果你是一个爱学习的人,下载得到将会是一份奇妙的缘分。我们想与你结缘。2、得到是一个给终身学习者的学习软件。我们的使命是:让每个人都能从知识中获得力量。 3、我们做产品的初心是为你省时间。每门课程都经过严格的品质控制。闭着眼睛选,门门是精品。4、有一种老师叫“得到系老师”。罗振宇、薛兆丰、宁向东、万维钢、吴军、香帅、梁宁、刘润、施展、华杉、熊逸、吴伯凡、何帆、陈海贤、王立铭等专家名师,他们的课程只在得到。5、音频、视频、图文、问答、直播,形式多样。睡觉前、跑步时、通勤路上、家务陪伴,这些时间都可以用来学习。6、通识课程强大又全面。经济学、管理学、金融学、历史、科学、医学、法学等现代人的必修课,水准高收获大。7、看电子书,上得到。所有书都可以在任意段落免费读10%。8、得到完全可以是你的“知识搜索引擎”。每当你想研究某个问题时,请来得到搜一搜,你会发现搜索结果总会给你意外之喜。9、社区健康,同学友好。得到的知识城邦是一个供学习者交流知识的社区。和你一起终身学习,和你一起做华语互联网的一股清流。1. If you are a person who loves to learn, download it will be a wonderful fate. We want to bond with you.2. Get is a learning software for lifelong learners. Our mission is: to enable everyone to gain power from knowledge.3. Our original intention of making products is to save you time. Each course undergoes strict quality control. Choose with your eyes closed, the door is a boutique.4. There is a kind of teacher called "Got Department Teacher". Luo Zhenyu, Xue Zhaofeng, Ning Xiangdong, Wan Weigang, Wu Jun, Xiang Shuai, Liang Ning, Liu Run, Shi Zhan, Hua Shan, Xiong Yi, Wu Bofan, He Fan, Chen Haixian, Wang Liming and other expert teachers, their courses are only available .5. Audio, video, graphics, Q&A, live broadcast, and various forms. Before going to bed, running, commuting, and accompanying housework, these time can be used for learning.6. General education courses are powerful and comprehensive. Compulsory courses for modern people, such as economics, management, finance, history, science, medicine, and law, are of high standard and great harvest.7. Read e-books and get them online. All books can read 10% free in any paragraph.8. Get your "knowledge search engine". Whenever you want to research a certain problem, please come to get a search, you will find that the search results will always give you a surprise.9. The community is healthy and the students are friendly. The acquired knowledge city-state is a community for learners to exchange knowledge. I will study for life with you and be a clear stream of Chinese-language Internet with you.本次更新: 1、【423破万卷节】来得到,阅读有方法。3月28日正式开幕,得到电子书、听书VIP特惠开启。得到年度好书Top10、罗胖新书《阅读的方法》重磅发布。3月28日至4月28日,精彩不停。 2、【学习】学习计划功能优化,来制定你的学习计划吧! 3、【知识清单】支持自定义清单推荐语,欢迎将你喜爱的内容加入清单,推荐给朋友们。 近期更新: 1、【搜索】众多杂志期刊入驻得到电子书,搜索关键词在“杂志期刊”分类下可定位具体内容所在位置。 2、【分享】分享听书、电子书时,点击“生成图片”,海报样式更精美。